A Crack
Imagine being in a dark room, perhaps a prison cell with no windows or doors. Maybe even a deep, dark cave. You’re there alone and all is silent, but miserable. And quiet. So very quiet. Suddenly, off in the distance, or perhaps not so far, there is a crack. It is small at first, and the light it emits is dim, but it is there none the less. It is a sight that stings the eyes, for it is foreign and unfamiliar.
A crack in the darkness
It’s late at night and a couple members of the clan and I decided to play some Destiny 2 since the Bloodborne servers were down, probably thanks to the game being free this month for PlayStation Plus members. I’m actually interested in playing Destiny 2 again now that the Nightfall isn’t a nightmare to complete anymore. Last week, with the new system implemented, we tried it out and finished with a score around 20,000. This week, we improved our score and got up to 26,000.
This week’s Nightfall is the Pyramidion again, but it’s at least not a total nightmare anymore.
What they’ve done – and should’ve done all along – is let you decide how hard you want to make Nightfall for yourself. The non Prestige version has no modifiers, just a score and a clock that shows how long you’ve been at it. The Prestige is where it gets interesting. Now you can choose how hard you want to make the enemies you face and what burns you want to activate, if any. Tonight we tried a Prestige run and managed to make it with minimal fuss. Getting the Aura now is going to be just as difficult as before, and probably still not worth the effort. Also, there’s specialized Emblems for each new Nightfall that can be customized assuming you hit the required score for each variant. I’m happy with the way Nightfall works now and hopefully this means we as a clan will gather to do it each week now.
In other news, the latest Iron Banner is happening and I’m actually excited to participate because the Warlock armor is beautiful and looks very Asian inspired. At least this time around I won’t be going in alone.
Now, let’s go get those treasure maps and head for Nessus…