A blog about video games.
Over the years I’ve amassed quite the collection of video games, from the time of 8-bit all the way to the current bleeding edge of tech. All for the chance to live a different life and just forget about this one for a while; a pursuit of the electronic escape from reality and the flesh. I’m going to chronicle my progress as I try to complete every game in my collection and possibly speedrun some others. Feel free to follow the insanity over at The Backloggery and Twitch (life permitting).
A blog about me.
Unsatisfied with the way Wordpress handles things, I decided to move my blog here and give Squarespace a shot. From time to time I’ll put down the controller and write something about me and what’s going on in my life. What I’m watching, what I’m reading, my thoughts on getting older, living as an openly gay man in the current iteration of America, and on and on.